Florida Surges With New Residents

Florida surges as they’ve had an enormous amount of growth in the past year. There’s no question that the sunshine state has become a popular location for families to relocate to. Attractive features such as low housing prices, tax savings, and gorgeous sunshine make Florida the perfect state to move to. 

New residents are filtering in from states across the country. The 2020 UHAUL trend report showed that Florida is one of the top three states that people are relocating to. Florida is third only to Tennessee and Texas when it comes to the top moving destinations.

Why Florida? 

The idea of enjoying the fresh air, while soaking up the warm sun, sounds like a dream for those who are forced to stay inside during the cold, winter months. In the last decade, reports say that 241,000 people have moved to the sunshine state, and those numbers are only increasing since the COVID-19 pandemic. As of recent data, roughly 950 people move to Florida every day.

The Pandemic 

Since the beginning of the pandemic, home sales have doubled in Florida. One of the top reasons why people are moving to Florida is because of COVID-19, according to U-Haul. Individuals, families, and businesses have suffered immensely from the extreme lockdowns and stay-at-home orders enforced in certain states. So, because of the job loss, foreclosures, and closing businesses, many people have decided to pack up and move to other states, like Florida. Real estate is booming as hundreds of people search for homes amid the surge in residents. The state has seen high demand and sales for both single-family and luxury homes as people in northern states flee amid the pandemic.


The reports from U-Haul also found that people are choosing low-tax states such as Florida due to no state income tax. California is seeing high volumes of people leaving due to the high-state and income tax. As people get back on their feet following the pandemic, those high taxes can be daunting. Many of these high-tax states have seen decreasing numbers of residents because they have been flocking to other states such as Florida. Northern states such as New York, Illinois, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Massachusetts have seen a loss based on tax return filings.

Demand for Work

So, what does this mean for those who have been in Florida and are seeing a growth in the number of people? Well, it may mean busier roads, stores, and beaches. However, it also means a higher demand for work. This is a huge triumph considering so many have suffered from low work demand this last year.

Following such a hard year for everyone, we are happy to see individuals, families, and businesses getting back on their feet. Waldron Carpentry is excited to continue to serve South Florida with the highest quality carpentry contracting available.

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