5 Reasons to Consider Luxury Apartment Living

The debate between renting versus buying a home is an ongoing one. Some people feel very passionate about one side while some feel very passionate about the other. There are multiple pros and cons to consider for each one. Weighing all of the aspects will help you make the best choice for you. But considering all of the new construction in the Southwest Florida area, it’s a great time to think about luxury apartment living. 

Here are 5 reasons to consider luxury apartment living:

Easy Upkeep 

Easy maintenance is probably the biggest draw to apartment living. You don’t have to worry about maintaining a property, landscape, or the exterior of your home. The inside of an apartment is usually easier to maintain as well. Apartments are typically more compact, making them easier to clean and decorate. Also, the best part is that when something breaks or needs repair, you simply have to contact management to handle the issue.  

Save Money

This one may seem like a bit of an oxymoron because it is often used in the argument for homeownership. But renting a luxury apartment allows you to save money while also living in luxury. Being a homeowner often requires a savings or margin in your income to cover the inevitable expenses that will come. Renting, however, allows you to save money because you won’t have to put money towards repairs and upkeep. 

Lower Level of Commitment

Lease agreements for apartment living are considerably shorter than mortgage loan terms. Choosing luxury apartment living allows you to explore the surrounding area or travel before deciding where to put roots down. It can be difficult to sign a 15-30 year mortgage if things are still uncertain in other areas of your life. Luxury apartment living offers a lower level of commitment until you’re ready to make a more long term decision. 

Included Amenities

Amenities are a major advantage to apartment living, especially luxury apartment living. In Southwest Florida, most apartments have a community center, a pool, sports area, gym, and other amenities you can use. Amenities are great money-savers because you can cut down on the expenses typically put towards these things. You may not be able to afford a home with a pool, but luxury apartment living makes that within reach. 

Sense of Community 

Another major pro to highlight is the sense of community you get from luxury apartment living. Apartment living encourages you to do life alongside your neighbors. Most places host community events and give ample opportunity to cross paths in the common spaces. You can meet new friends while barbecuing by the pool or taking a yoga class at the gym. It’s a great option to consider especially if you are single or new to the area. Community is such an important part of life!

There are many more advantages to living in a luxury apartment, but at least now you’ve considered the top pros! Weigh your options, consider the pros and cons, and make whatever choice is best for you. 

Waldron Carpentry has been a proud partner in the construction of several luxury apartments throughout SWFL. We continue to maintain excellence in craftsmanship in the

Luxury Apartment construction space for 2021 and beyond.

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